Minggu, 20 April 2014

How to Order Wall Stiker

If you interest with our product, you can order it by email. Write your name, your address, your phone / mobile phone, your email, and product’s code. For product’s code, just write the first alphabet of the types and the count of product. For example if you want to buy 10 wall sticker in small sizes for woman and it is transparent, you can write SWT10; but, if you want to order with your own design you can write SWT10-C, and then send to our email lafreja@gmail.com. Don’t forget to send your own design also.
Here is the format example of ordering:

Fill a form with this format and send it to our e-mail.
Purchase Form
Name                                      :  Risna Pramesti Wijayanti            
Address                                   : Pucangan RT. 02/ RW. 01, Ngrambe, Ngawi, Jawa Timur, 63263
E-mail                                      : rizpramesti@gmail.com
Phone                                      : 085735728xxx
Message (code and size)          :  (example) SWT10- C

Then, send into our email: lafreja.wallsticker@gmail.com
*If you have your own design, you can send it into our email: lafreja.wallsticker@gmail.com

Profile of Company

Company Name            :    La Freja
Office Address              :    Kutai Barat 7 Street RT 4 RW 9, Sumber, Banjarsari, Surakarta
Mobile Phone                :    +6285641737035
Email                             :    lafreja.wallsticker@gmail.com
Website                         :    lafreja.blogspot.com
Products                        :    Wall Sticker, Mug, and Key-Chain

Jumat, 18 April 2014

La Freja's Wall Sticker

Wall sticker is a popular product that so many people search for it. Because, first, it brings an innovation in beutifying our environment with cheaper price and easier to put on and off the wall rather than normal paint. So, La Freja provides this beauty into your wall, of course, with various available pictures from baby wall sticker, children wall sticker, girl wall sticker, boy wall sticker, couple wall sticker and also adult wall sticker. La Freja also has so many pictures, like: animal wall sticker, tree wall sticker, flower wall sticker, cartoon wall sticker, and these will be always updated.
Why must you use our wall sticker? First, factor that the others wall sticker shops do not provide is, you can choose the best picture, size and transparency of the wall sticker that suits to you.
Picture             : You can choose the available picture we provide or you can send us a picture you desire (vector only).
Size                   : For the size you can also choose the available size: S (50cm x 50cm), M (100cm x 100cm), L (150cm x 150cm) or just send us your desired size (max 150cm for the width, but the lenght is up to you).
Transparency : We provide three types of transparency: a) Zero transparency wall sticker (white background), b) Transparent wall sticker (the rest of the picture will blend with your wall), c) No transparency wall sticker (the sticker will has the same shape of the picture).
The Price
Normal Price
La Ferja’s wall sticker is a cheap wall sticker with normal price is only IDR 50,000/ m2.
Small                       : IDR 25,000
Medium                 : IDR 50,000
Large                       : IDR 75,000
Desired size          : Send us a post and we will calcualte it for you based on the normal price and additional price.
Additional Price
Additional price is included if you:
a.)    Use your own picture     + IDR 5,000
b.)    Use Transparency            + IDR 10,000
c.)     Use No Transparency     + IDR 20,000
You can read this article for detailer information.

Senin, 14 April 2014

Le Art

Art, is one of many ways to express your love. Not only on the canvas we can put down the art, but also on many surfaces, like: mug, key-chain, smartphone case, and wall painting (wall sticker). Here, we help you to craft your beautiful moments with your beloved ones into an endless memory through art with various medias.